The Concept of Profiles

Think of a Profile object as of a state of the workpiece somewhere in the pass sequence. Every unit has an incoming and an outgoing profile. Also, you must provide a profile as definition for the initial workpiece being processed in the pass sequence.

The shape and the extent of the profile is defined by its Profile.cross_section hook. The value type of this hook is a shapely.Polygon providing all of its functionality in planar geometry. PyRolL patches a few things within shapely for convenience and user experience, especially while developing plugins. Other parts of PyRolL use shapely geometry objects, too.

For creating an initial profile, several class methods exist in the Profile class. One can either derive the profile shape from an existing groove object by use of the Profile.from_groove() method, or created some standard shapes use of the other class methods of Profile, like Profile.round(). More values can be given as keyword arguments and are saved automatically as explict hook values in the instance. Which you may or must provide depends on the loaded plugins.

class Profile(**kwargs)

Represents a profile aka a workpiece state.

Using the __init__ is not recommended, use one of the factory class methods instead.

classmethod box(height: float, width: float, corner_radius: float = 0, **kwargs) BoxProfile

Creates a box shaped profile (a real rectangular shape with rounded corners, without imperfections of box grooves). A box is oriented to stand on its side, use square() to create a corner standing square.

  • height – the height of the box profile, must be > 0

  • width – the width of the box profile, must be > 0

  • corner_radius – the radius of the square’s corners, must be >= 0, <= height / 2 and <= width / 2

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor


ValueError – if arguments are out of range

classmethod diamond(height: float, width: float, corner_radius: float = 0, **kwargs) DiamondProfile

Creates a diamond shaped profile (a real diamond shape with rounded corners, without imperfections of diamond grooves). A diamond is oriented to stand on its corner.

  • height – the height of the diamond profile, must be > 0

  • width – the width of the diamond profile, must be > 0

  • corner_radius – the radius of the diamond’s corners, must be >= 0, <= height / 2 and <= width / 2

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor


ValueError – if arguments are out of range

fits_material(key: str)

Return true, if the given material key is present in the profile’s material hook (case-insensitive), otherwise false.

classmethod from_groove(groove: GrooveBase, width: float | None = None, filling: float | None = None, height: float | None = None, gap: float | None = None, **kwargs) Profile

Create a profile instance based on a given groove. The dimensioning of the profile is determined by the parameters width, filling, height and gap. Give exactly one of width and filling. Give exactly one of height and gap.

  • groove – the groove the profile should be created from

  • width – the width of the resulting profile, must be > 0

  • filling – the filling ratio of the groove, must be > 0

  • height – the height of the profile, must be > 0

  • gap – the gap between the groove contours (roll gap), must be >= 0

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor

  • TypeError – on invalid argument combinations

  • ValueError – if arguments are out of range

classmethod from_polygon(cross_section: Polygon, classifiers: Set[str], **kwargs) Profile

Creates a custom profile from a shapely polygon object.

  • cross_section – a polygon representing the cross-section shape

  • classifiers – a set of strings classifying the shape

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor

classmethod hexagon(side: float | None = None, height: float | None = None, diagonal: float | None = None, corner_radius: float = 0, **kwargs) HexagonProfile

Creates a hexagonal shaped profile (a real hexagonal shape with rounded corners, without imperfections of hexagonal grooves). A hexagon is oriented to stand on its side. Give exactly one of side, height and diagonal.

  • side – the side length of the hexagonal profile, must be > 0

  • height – the height of the hexagonal profile when standing on the flat base, must be > 0

  • diagonal – the diagonal length of the hexagonal profile (corner-to-corner distance)

  • corner_radius – the radius of the hexagon’s corners, must be >= 0, <= diagonal / 2

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor

  • TypeError – on invalid argument combinations

  • ValueError – if arguments are out of range


Returns a matplotlib figure visualizing this instance. It is not required to implement this method. :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the figure constructor

  • RuntimeError – if matplotlib is not importable

  • TypeError – if the current type does not support plotting

classmethod round(radius: float | None = None, diameter: float | None = None, **kwargs) RoundProfile

Creates a round shaped profile (a real circle round, without imperfections of round grooves). Give exactly one of radius and diameter.

  • radius – the radius of the round profile, must be > 0

  • diameter – the diameter of the round profile, must be > 0

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor

  • TypeError – on invalid argument combinations

  • ValueError – if arguments are out of range

classmethod square(side: float | None = None, diagonal: float | None = None, corner_radius: float = 0, **kwargs) SquareProfile

Creates a square shaped profile (a real square with rounded corners, without imperfections of square grooves). A square is oriented to stand on its corner, use box() to create a side standing one. Give exactly one of side and diagonal.

  • side – the side length of the square profile, must be > 0

  • diagonal – the diagonal’s length of the square profile, must be > 0. Note, that the diagonal is measured at the tips, as if the corner radii were not present for consistency with box().

  • corner_radius – the radius of the square’s corners, must be >= 0 and <= side / 2

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Profile constructor

  • TypeError – on invalid argument combinations

  • ValueError – if arguments are out of range


Chemical composition of the profile’s material as dict of element symbols to atom fractions (0 to 1).


Classifiers of the profile’s shape’s type.


Temperature of the profile core.


Shape of the profile’s cross-section.


Mean density (specific weight) of the profile material.


Mean elastic modulus of the profile material.


Height of the equivalent rectangle.


Radius of a equivalent round.


Equivalent rectangle geometry for use with equivalent flat pass models.


Width of the equivalent rectangle.


Mean flow stress of the profile material.


Flow stress depended on strain, strain-rate and temperature


Average grain size of the profile’s material.


Mean heat penetration number of the profile material.


Maximum height (y-direction).


Length of the workpiece (x-direction).


String or sequence of strings classifying the material of the profile. Can be used by material databases to retrieve respective data.


Phase resp. constituent composition of the profile’s material as dict of constituent names to volume fractions (0 to 1).


Mean Poisson’s ratio of the profile material.


Thickness of the scale covering the profile.


Mean specific heat capacity of the profile material.


Mean equivalent strain of the profile cross-section.


Mean temperature of the profile surface.


Temporal coordinate.


Mean temperature of the profile cross-section.


Mean thermal conductivity of the profile material.


Mean thermal diffusivity of the profile material.


Mean material flow velocity.


Maximum width (z-direction).


Spacial coordinate in rolling direction.

Derived classes

For the units types, specialized versions of the Profile class are defined as nested classes within the respective unit class. They all maintain their own hooks, so it is possible to specify hooks on profiles only for those places, were they are applicable.

Profile Classifiers

As profile have an infinite variety of cross-section shapes, for the use of empirical models, the shape must be classified. This is achieved by the Profile.classifiers hook, which returns a set of string classifiers describing the shape of the profile. Model hook functions can check the contents of this set to determine, if the model approach they provide is suitable to the given profile. Grooves and roll passes make use of the same classifiers, as they transfer their classifiers to the new outgoing profile.

Currently, the PyRolL Core uses the following classifiers:


An approximately circular cross-section. Corresponds to the RoundGroove.


An approximately circular cross-section with flanks. Corresponds to the FalseRoundGroove. Commonly in combination with "round".


An approximately oval-shaped cross-section. Umbrella class for all more specific ovals.


An approximately oval-shaped cross-section. Corresponds to the CircularOvalGroove. Commonly in combination with "oval".


An approximately oval-shaped cross-section. Corresponds to the FlatOvalGroove. Commonly in combination with "oval".


An approximately oval-shaped cross-section. Corresponds to the SwedishOvalGroove. Commonly in combination with "oval".


An approximately diamond resp. rhombus shaped cross-section, includes squares. Corresponds to the DiamondGroove.


An approximately square shaped cross-section. Corresponds to the SquareGroove. Commonly in combination with "diamond".


An approximately rectangular shaped cross-section. Corresponds to the BoxGroove.


An approximately rectangular shaped cross-section originating from flat rolling. Corresponds to the FlatGroove.


An approximately square-shaped cross-section with curved edges. Corresponds to the GothicGroove.


A cross-section with 3-fold rotation symmetry. Such profiles typically originate from three-roll passes. Can be combined with other classifiers for further distinguishing.


Indicates, that the profile has been rotated by a rotator unit and therefore does not have its common orientation anymore.


Indicates, that the profile has been rotated by 90° relative to its common orientation.


Indicates, that the profile has been rotated by 45° relative to its common orientation. Often that means rotating a profile from standing on edge to standing on its side or vice versa. Commonly found in square-oval pass sequences.


Indicates, that the profile has been rotated by 180° relative to its common orientation.


Indicates, that the profile has a constriction in its base. Corresponds mainly to ConstrictedBoxGroove and ConstrictedSwedishOvalGroove. Therefore, commonly in combination with "box" and "swedish_oval".


Indicates, that the profile originates from an upsetting groove and is therefore rotated by 90° with respect to other grooves of this type. See f.e. UpsetOvalGroove and UpsetBoxGroove.